Humber Bridge

Author: Chris Bradfield - MA, PhD, CEng, MICE, MIMechE

Date published

28 August 2024

The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Humber Bridge
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Humber Bridge

Date published

Chris Bradfield, one of the design team for the bridge, reports on the design and construction of this major bridge.


The Humber Bridge crosses the Humber estuary, linking East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, running north-south. It was built between 1973 and 1981. Its main span of 1410m made it the longest suspension bridge for around 17 years.
The bridge was designed by Freeman, Fox and Partners.


The Humber carries significant shipping, deep-sea vessels heading for the port of Goole, and coastal shipping, particularly serving wharves on the River Trent. The bed of the estuary is somewhat unstable, and the deep-water channel may move.  For the benefit of navigation interests, the Humber Bridge Act of 1959 is highly restrictive on the bridge’s location.


The bridge is located upstream of the port of Hull, immediately west of Hessle, where the channel is confined by the chalk of the Yorkshire Wolds. This chalk reappears further south as the Lincolnshire Wolds, but is absent on the immediate south bank of the Humber. Where present, the chalk extends down to a level of around -30m. Over part of the channel, and immediately to the south, it appears that in some geological era, the chalk has been eroded, perhaps when water levels were far lower, and has now been replaced by softer alluvial deposits.

Foundations – N, Hessle Side

With chalk available close to the surface, both the Hessle anchorage and the Hessle tower are simple, massive structures, founded in excavations in the chalk. The limited thickness of the chalk made impracticable an anchorage tunnelled into the chalk. All foundation works were constructed by John Howard & Co.

Foundations -S, Barton on Humber side

On the south side, both foundations had to be excavated through the alluvial deposits, to reach the hard Kimmeridge Clay below. The anchorage was constructed using diaphragm walling to create a multi-celled foundation, within which open grabbing allowed the alluvial deposits to be removed down to founding level at -35m. The anchorage was then constructed within, and some of the internal walls of the foundation remain, embedded in the structural concrete.

The Barton pier is founded in the estuary, just inside the low tide limit. Each tower leg is founded on a 24m diameter circular concrete caisson, constructed with some difficulty. Significant tidal streams eroded some of the sand bed inside a cofferdam on which the cutting edge of the caissons were constructed. Unusually high levels of skin friction hindered sinking of the caissons by grabbing in the 7 cells of each caisson, and an encounter with a lens of sand containing water under artesian pressure led to rapid and barely controlled sinking at one point, with disturbance to the bentonite skin being formed around the surface of the caisson. Eventually, sinking was resumed with a redesign of the upper regions of the pier, to allow more concrete to be poured at an earlier stage, and the caissons were ballasted with quantities of steel ingots, hired in from British Steel at Scunthorpe (who were at that point having difficulty selling all of their production.) Eventually, the caissons were bottomed up, and the base slab constructed, albeit at a slightly shallower depth than had been planned. These difficulties delayed the hand-over of the pier to allow superstructure construction to start.


In contrast to earlier suspension bridges from the designers, the towers were not constructed in steel plate, due to concerns over the anticipated cost of such construction, but are of reinforced concrete with a small central lift shaft, and were slip-formed, tapering. The setting out point on the saddle atop each tower leg is at +162.5m. The Hessle tower was slip formed over around 4 months, and the four cross-beams were constructed in order, working down from the tower top. The legs each contain a small shaft for a service lift, and this shaft was available to contain the mast of a small tower crane, and a concrete hoist.

To recover some of the schedule slippage due to delayed hand-over of the Barton pier, the tower legs were slip-formed to full height, the top cross-beam concreted, and the tower top handed over to the steelwork contractor, leaving the 3 lower cross-beams to be constructed subsequently. Both towers were constructed by Tileman & Co.

The steel superstructure was constructed by British Bridge Builders, a consortium formed by Cleveland Bridge and Engineering, Redpath Dorman Long, and Sir William Arrol and Co. Cleveland Bridge were, of course, the one UK company with the expertise and plant to ‘spin’ the main cables.

The superstructure is an incremental development of the suspension bridge style developed by Freeman, Fox and Partners, on the Severn Bridge and the first Bosporus Bridge. Substantial temporary works were required to create a continuous catwalk hanging immediately below the main cables, and to construct a tramway to unreel the individual wires.

The main cables are formed from 5.0mm diameter, cold-drawn carbon steel wires of 100-115 ton/in2 ultimate strength. The term ‘spinning’ is slightly misleading, in that the many wires are laid parallel to one another, there is no twisting. Each cable in the main and Barton side spans consists of 14948 individual wires, laid two at a time, each wire being adjusted to the correct sag (and hence length), as it is placed. At the anchorages, wires are looped around a cast steel strand shoe, and return to form the next wire. There are therefore no ends, but the construction relies on being able to join wires end-to-end with splice details, which are crimped around each wire. The wires are grouped into 37 strands, each of 404 wires, the wires being adjusted for length, to ensure equal load sharing. A strand is ‘spun’ slightly above its final location, and once complete, the large steel studs on which the strand shoe is supported could be manipulated to allow the shoe to be let out whilst the strand was pulled through the saddle to achieve a final position nestling among the earlier strands. Two wires were ‘spun’ at a time, being drawn out looped around a spinning wheel, hung from, and driven by, a wire tramway system. There has been no detailed account of the speeds achieved in this process, but on the Bosporus Bridge constructed shortly before, Cleveland reported driving the tramway at up to 1100 ft/min, implying that the two ‘live’ wires would be unreeled from their drums at about 25 mph.  On the Hessle side span, the span is considerably shorter and therefore steeper. Since the tower top must be in equilibrium horizontally, the side span cable force is greater, and hence an additional 4 strands of 200 wires are added above the usual 37 strands. The cables contain 71 000 km of wire, and total some 11 000 tonnes. Spinning proceeded between September 1977 and June 1979.


A fabricated steel saddle is placed at the top of each tower leg. Within the saddles, the individual cable strands are separated, each being deflected in an arc between the cable slopes in main and side spans. The vertical component of the cable tension is therefore transferred as a line load in the bottom of the cable groove. The further function of the saddle is to distribute this loading out onto the top of the tower concrete. To control weights of individual components, this duty is shared between the saddle itself and a steel grillage embedded in the tower concrete. This further allowed the saddle to be initially placed slightly offset to landward, with the saddle and grillage jacked into alignment part way through cable spinning.


The desk follows the earlier designs in being a steel box section, the roadway running along the top surface of the box, this part being of high-yield steel, stiffened with V-section longitudinal stiffeners below. The remaining faces of the box are in mild steel, with bulb flat stiffeners. Compared with these earlier designs, the box depth has been increased, for greater bending stiffness, principally to raise the critical wind speed at which any deck instability might occur to well above the design wind speed of 45 m/s. Inclined hangers support the deck, a layout originally devised to increase structural damping to prevent torsional oscillation. (for various reasons, this feature appears to have been dropped from later suspension bridge designs). The deck carries two two-lane carriageways, and footways, also providing access for maintenance vehicles, on each side.

The deck was constructed in 18.1m long sections each weighing 130 tonnes.  All deck sections were pre-assembled on stallages in a fabrication yard, Priory Yard, on the site of a former railway marshalling yard at Dairycoates, on the west side of Hull. The sections were therefore fabricated to achieve the correct vertical curves for each span. Since a live main railway line runs between Priory Yard and the foreshore, in order to load out each section onto a barge for transport to the bridge site, the transfer across the railway lines was carried out during a rail possession on every Saturday night. At the bridge site, deck sections were winched up to final level, with lifting carriages spanning across the two completed cables, the lifting falls being operated from winches at the tower bases.


The deck, as initially lifted, lay above its final profile, and as the tension in the main cables built up, the deck profile changed, the deck lowering. Joining of the deck boxes by welding was therefore phased, the deck plate welding being performed early, but the remainder of the perimeter being completed later.
The roadway surfacing is 38mm of hot rolled asphalt, laid on a primer and bitumen underlay. For the first time, the surfacing was machine laid, rather than hand laid.

Crash barriers

The two carriageways run between tensioned wire crash barriers. It has been normal practice to recycle the wires of the temporary catwalks below the cables, cutting and resocketing them to form the wires of the barriers.

Approach roads

Viaducts and approach roads connect the bridge with existing highways, the A63 at the Hessle end, and the A15 at the Barton on Humber end.

Toll area

The toll area and administration building are located at the Hessle end of the bridge.


Chris Bradfield - MA, PhD, CEng, MICE, MIMechE

Chris joined Freeman, Fox & Partners on graduation, and worked on the (first) Bosporus Bridge, and the design of the Humber Bridge. He returned to Cambridge as a research student working on steel plate construction in the light of the Merrison Committee’s work. He worked on the design and safety cases for the Sizewell B nuclear power station. He moved to teach at the University of Sussex, taking early retirement in 2000. He has undertaken consultancies on fragilities of mechanical plant, whilst leaving sufficient time to bring up two daughters as a single parent.