Trustee Elections 2023

Author: Kristy MacDonald, Board Secretary and Head of Professional Conduct

Date published

20 March 2023

The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Vice President (Board) elections 2023 - China and Central Asia, Americas

Date published

Kristy MacDonald, Board Secretary and Head of Professional Conduct

Date published

20 March 2023


Kristy MacDonald, Board Secretary and Head of Professional Conduct

Nominations remain open for Vice-President (China & Central Asia) candidates. If you think you can represent your region's interests - or know someone that can - submit a nomination.

​In 2022, the IStructE created five voting regions to reflect its growing international membership. We are now seeking candidates to represent two of those regions:

  • Vice President from the electoral region: The Americas (Nominations period now closed)

  • Vice President from the electoral region: China & Central Asia (Open, closing date 12 May)

Vacancies will be filled by election. Successful candidates will serve a three-year term (2024-2026).

What happens next? Electoral regions to vote for Vice President candidates:

Voting members within the respective electoral regions above will vote to decide the top two candidates within the region for election by the voting membership for Vice President 2024 - 2026. Voting will open on 09:00GMT, 22/05/23

Stand for election – your contribution would be appreciated

Why stand for election as a Board Member (Trustee)?

Serving as an IStructE Trustee can be a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience. As a Board member, you will be able to:
  • Help set the agenda for international structural engineering
  • Raise issues and concerns from your region
  • Be a role model for the next generation
  • Grow your network
  • Build your personal profile
  • Give something back

In the video, some of our trustees talk about their experiences. Watch now:


More information

Voting documents will be issued in due course, and all voting members will be able to vote electronically or by post. Election results will subsequently be published in The Structural Engineer, in the e-newsletter and on the IStructE website.
For further information please contact Dr Kristy MacDonald, Board Secretary k[email protected]


Additional information



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