In accordance with Procedural Rule 2.31 (01/22/V4REG4_2) the following decision of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) is published without the member's name.
A complaint was made to the Institution arising out of the engagement of a member in a Party Wall dispute. Taking all matters into account the PCC found that the member acted dishonestly by incorrectly describing a photograph in the report to present a situation that was knowingly false; that the member’s report was biased towards his appointing owner and was in stark contrast to the findings of several other professionals; failed to act with integrity and fairness; and failed to have regard to the interests of those affected by his actions.
The PCC, taking into consideration its findings above, found that that the Member had failed to comply with Articles 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the Code of Conduct.
The PCC issued the sanction of Reprimand against the Member pursuant to Regulation and issued Guidance to the Member pursuant to Regulation in the following terms:
Members of the public and other professionals rely on, and make decisions based on, the advice and service provided by members of the Institution of Structural Engineers. The advice given, either verbally or in writing, including calculations and drawings, must be fair, honest, and trustworthy, in order to provide a safe and effective service for clients and their agents.
Honesty is essential, even if the advice is contrary to the client’s expectations. Operating with integrity and fairness engenders respect from clients and other professionals and provides a platform for open communication and effective professional relationships.