0RIGINALLY the South Wales and Monmouthshire Branch was affiliated to the Western Counties Branch, the meetings of which took place for the most part in Bristol. It was found, however, that very few of the South Wales and Monmouthshire members could attend the meetings, and that they were not enjoying the full benefits of their membership in consequence. Early in 1930, Mr. E. B. Miller and Mr. Wallace A. Evans circularised the members in South Wales, suggesting that a South Wales Branch of the Institution should be formed, and asking for their support. The response was favourable, and the consent of the Western Counties Branch to the splitting up of the
area was then obtained. On July 21st, 1930, a meeting was held at the South Wales Institute of Engineers, Park Place, Cardiff, which was attended by the President of that year, Lt.-Colonel J. Mitchell Moncrieff, C.B.E., and the Secretary, Major R.F. Maitland. It was resolved to petition the Council for permission to form a new Branch to be called the South Wales and Monmouthshire Branch, and that it should embrace an area covered by the following counties: Breconshire, Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire, Glamorganshire, Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire and Radnorshire. The following officers were also elected to serve for the first Session of the Branch :-Mr. M.C. Harrison (Chairman), Mr. A.A. Fordham (Vice-chairman), Mr. E.B. Miller (Hon. Secretary), and the following were elected members of Committee :-Messrs. J. Blackett, W.A. Evans, J. W. Partridge,H.W.J. Powell, E.T. Williams, A. Carroll, D. Manolopoulos, and A.G. Thompson.