The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers

Initial Professional Development (IPD)

Date published

Initial Professional Development (IPD) is part of your journey towards professional membership of the Institution.

IPD is a record of your working life that demonstrates you have acquired the experience, knowledge and skills that are needed to practice as a structural engineer.

All candidates applying for Chartered Membership should be preparing their application documents in accordance with the new New IPD Regulations. The full IPD Guidance document is available to download at the foot of this page. Applications are accepted twice a year on 1 April and 1 September.

Register for your PRI  

What’s involved?

IPD Forms - The forms are available to download below. These are used to provide an overview of how you have satisfied our 10 core objectives.

Portfolio - This illustrates how your work and experience have helped you meet your core objectives. Full portfolio guidance is available within the IPD Guidance document below.

Please note that all documents submitted must be in English.

We will then assess your IPD through a Professional Review interview (an Interview may not be required if you are applying for Technician Membership).

There is no set time period in which you should expect to complete your IPD, but most members do so after at least four years’ workplace experience.

Our IPD core objectives:

You need to demonstrate the following standards for the relevant objective:

Knowledge – understanding of the subject and its application

Experience – able to perform independently or under supervision

Ability – able to perform independently and competence to advise others


Our three IPD routes:

Retrospectively Collated

You demonstrate that you have satisfied our core objectives by completing and submitting IPD final report forms along with a portfolio of work.

Individually Managed:

You’re responsible for managing your own training with the assistance of a mentor. 

You keep records of your training and experience using our IPD quarterly report form and progress summary record. You have regular meetings with your mentor to review your progress.

Once you have satisfied our objectives you complete and submit your final report forms, your quarterly report forms, your progress summary records and your portfolio of work.

Candidates applying via this route may continue to update and submit the old format of the Quarterly Report Form and Progress Summary Record if they have previously begun to use them. All other IPD documents must be completed using the 10 core objectives.

Accredited Training Scheme

You are already following a comparable professional development scheme accredited by ICE or HKIE

You submit your full training records and portfolio of work to demonstrate how you satisfy our core objectives.

Incorporated-Member and Technician IPD

Candidates applying for either Incorporated-Member or Technician Member should refer to the guidance for the 12/13 Core Objectives. All appropriate guidamce and IPD forms can be found via the below button.

Incorporated-Member and Technician IPD  


IPD Guidance (.pdf, 3.4 MB)

Certificate in Structural Behaviour

Contribute to your IPD and get closer to professional registration. "The certificate helped me improve my skills in approximate analysis and drawing force diagrams." Hemant Gor, Graduate Member

Learn more

Humanitarian and International Development Competencies Framework

This framework, developed by the Institution’s Humanitarian and International Development Panel, is designed to illustrate the types of skills that structural engineers will require to be successful in the development sector.

Access Resource

Explore our training, events and resources to support you throughout your career and membership journey