Become an Affiliate and get fantastic discounts on Institution publications and courses, access to the E-library, invitations to networking events and livestreamed lectures, the latest industry news, and much more.
The Affiliate Scheme is a way for professionals with interests relating to structural engineering can get closer to IStructE and our members.
The Scheme includes:
- Architects
- Civil engineers
- STEM educators
- Those working in or supplying construction
It is not designed or intended for those working as structural engineers. Such individuals are encouraged to pursue formal membership of the Institution based on the Institution’s knowledge and competence standards.
Affiliate Options
£53 annual subscription
- The current issue of The Structural Engineer online
- Pay the Member rate on publications and courses, circa 30% discount.
- Regional Group networking opportunities
- Discounts on room hire at our London HQ
- Invitation to your local and Institution HQ (London) events
- Access to livestreamed lectures
- Monthly Institution enews
- Listing in and access to Members’ Directory
- Get free access to the Embodied carbon basics on-demand course.
£74 annual subscription
Includes all the benefits of a Standard subscription, plus access to:
£199 annual subscription
Includes all the benefits of an Enhanced subscription, plus access to:
- Printed copies of The Structural Engineer magazine each month.
If you’re a non-commercial membership organisation looking to add value to your member offering, consider registering with our Group Affiliate Scheme, which will discount the Affiliate Scheme for all your members to the following rates:
Standard: £34 annual subscription
Enhanced: £54 annual subscription
Premium: £174 annual subscription
Join the Affiliate Group Scheme