Advisory Group on Temporary Structures
The Advisory Group on Temporary Structures are a group of relevant experts seeking to support the temporary demountable structures sector.
Academic Qualifications Panel
The Academic Qualifications Panel assesses degrees, diplomas and certificates that are not on our accredited or approved lists of academic qualifications.
Applications and Professional Review Panel
The Applications and Professional Review Panel considers all applications for membership and transfers between different membership grades, and makes recommendations to the Membership Committee.
BIM Panel
The BIM Panel supports members’ understanding of Building Information Modelling (BIM).
Digital Workflows and Computational Design Panel
The Digital Workflows and Computational Design Panel helps members keep pace with the rapid pace of technological development in design practice.
Editorial Advisory Group
Our Editorial Advisory Group supports the editorial staff of The Structural Engineer providing advice on content development for the magazine.
Ethics Panel
The Ethics Panel helps members keep up to date with changes to legislation and Institution policy on ethical behaviour.
Exams Panel
The Exams Panel is responsible for the Institution’s exams, including exam content and result moderation.
Humanitarian and International Development Panel
The Humanitarian and International Development Panel seeks to help structural engineers confront the challenges faced by the poorest and most vulnerable people around the world.
Papers Awards Judging Panel
The Papers Awards Panel recognises outstanding work published in The Structural Engineer magazine and presented at Regional Group lectures.
Professional Development Panel
The Professional Development Panel develops our professional development policy and promotes the benefits of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to members.
Research Panel
Our Research Panel supports outstanding research through grant giving and by supporting our annual Young Researchers Conference.
Safety, Health and Wellbeing Panel
The Safety, Health and Wellbeing Panel works to keep members up to date with changes to health and safety legislation.
Seismic and Dynamic Events Panel
Our Seismic and Dynamic Events Panel includes experts from regions around the world where seismic issues are encountered in practice.
Small Practitioners Panel
Our Small Practitioners Panel keeps members up to date with issues affecting small to medium size businesses.
Sustainability Panel
Our Sustainability Panel promotes best practice in sustainable construction.
Technical Products Panel
Our Technical Products Panel supports the Learning and Development staff team in the production of technical products, including: books, magazines, journals, library products, events, courses, conferences, lectures, and web content.
Young Members Panel
Our Young Members Panel represents the views of younger members of the profession and develops initiatives for members aged under 35.