The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Sir, In his articles of “The Arch and Other Theories as Applied to Portal Frames,” Mr. Loveland omits the simplest of all the possible methods of analysis, namely, that which I published nine years ago in the Philosophical Magazine.*

The Structural Engineer

It is with deep regret that we record the death, on the 14th July, of Lt.-Colonel Walter Bridges (Member). He was born in 1872, and in 1891 was articled to James Simpson & Co., waterworks engineers, with whom he afterwards served as assistant engineer. In 1903 he entered into partnership with the late Mr. Hal Williams as a consulting engineer. The partnership was dissolved in 1910, and the firm of Walter Bridges & Co., consulting and supervising engineers, was founded.

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN said that, unfortunately, the Lecturer, Dr. Enrico Volterra, has been unavoidably prevented from attending; so a synopsis of the paper that he was to read would be presented by Dr. Fargher, whom they all probably knew as the Technical Officer of the Institution.

The Structural Engineer

1. The terms of reference to the Committee were :- (a) That the time is come when the Institution should take an interest in the education of craftsmen, supervisors and technicians employed in the Structural Engineering Industry, and the training of such individuals.That the Council consider what steps could be taken to ensure to the industry properly educated and, trained craftsmen, supervisors and technicians. That such trained individuals be given a form of Certificate or diploma after qualification. (b) The consideration be given to the admission of such qualified craftsmen, supervisors and technicians to a new class of non-corporate membership of the Institution. (c) That should the Ministry of Works constitute a National Apprenticeship Council, the Institution should offer to assist in the improvement of the education of craftsmen attached to the industry. (d) That contact be made with the Army Educational Authorities with the object of establishing courses in Structural Engineering in regular army educational courses. It is quite possible that at the end of the war, a considerable army of occupation may have to be maintained on the Continent for some time, and every facility should be given to those desiring to study in Structural Engineering.

The Structural Engineer

A BUILDING Congress, organised by the Building Industries National Council, was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 21st and 22nd July, 1943. The general object of the Congress was to enable those in both official and private positions to meet and consider some of the main problems involved in the work of the building industries and allied professions in the reconstruction period. The Institution of Structural Engineers was represented by the President, Major A.H.S. Waters, V.C., D.S.O., M.C., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., who spoke on the post-wag building programme. Major Waters said:- Whatever the post-war generation may have to say about our execution of the building programme there is one accusation that can never be brought against us-that we have not talked sufficiently about what should be done. It is indeed becoming extremely difficult for one like myself to find at a conference of this nature something to say which has not already been better said at least several times.

The Structural Engineer

A Joint Meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Plastics Group of the Society of Chemical Industry and the Institute of the Plastics Industry was held on the 11th May, 1943, and took the form of a symposium on “The Practical Use of Plastics in Building and Structural Work.” The principal speakers were Mr. F.S. Snow, representing the Institution of Structural Engineers, Dr. A. Caress, representing the Plastics Group and the Institute of the Plastics Industry, and Dr. R.J. Schaffer, and a report of their remarks is given below: F.S. Snow, Dr. A. Caress and Dr. R.J. Schaffer