The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

In the design of Rigid Jointed Frames of which 2-Pin Ridged Roof Frames form an important part, there are two methods that are in common use by the designer. The methods referred to are: (1) The Tabular Strain Energy method. (2) The method of Distributing Fixed End Moments, by Prof. Hardy Cross Hugh Fraser

The Structural Engineer

In an earlier paper on "The Effect of Lateral Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Columns,” published in the July issue of THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, the results of a series of tests on small columns with varying reinforcement were analysed, and a formula evolved which fitted the observed values of ultimate load on the columns within 4 per cent. The columns from which the formula was derived were a standard size, 11.7 in. long X 3.5 in. square, having longitudinal bars, four in number, arranged as a square of overall dimensions 2.5 in. X 2.5 in., and binders of the same internal dimension. Working with a concrete giving a cube strength on 4 in. cubes at 28 days of about 4,000 Ibs. per sq. in., and a range of longitudinal steel from 1/2 in. bars to zero, with binders of pitches from 3/4 in. to 11 1/2 in. of 14 to 4 gauge bright drawn wire, the formula evolved was: Ultimate Load = A.w + B.x + C.y + D.z Jeffrey William Hitchen King

The Structural Engineer

Colonel Galpin’s previous paper on this subject was read in February, 1944. Since this was only four months before D day, censorship was naturally severe and in fact Col. Galpin was only allowed to mention the equipment which was actually in the service up to the beginning of the war. Since one of the barred subjects was the Bailey Bridge, some considerable disappointment must have been felt, both by the audience, many of whom had actually been engaged on its manufacture, and by the lecturer. Lt.-Col S.A. Stewart

The Structural Engineer

The Institution, most particularly the Scottish Branch, has sustained a great loss in the death, on the 24th September, 1946, of Mr. John Thomson, M.B.E., J.P., B.Sc., M.I.C.E. (Member).