The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

Dear Sir, I am not altogether surprised to find what appear to be misprints in the calculations given in Fig. 4, as similar misprints were tound in the published calculations for an even larger structure, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, but too late to bring the matter up at the time. In the present paper there appear to be three points in Fig. 4 which require elucidation.

The Structural Engineer

Before the inception of the British Grid System for electricity supply, the overhead electric transmission lines then existing were nearly all of low and medium voltage. The 132 kV. Primary Lines of the British Grid therefore set a new standard in this country, not only of the voltage of the lines and the power they were to transmit, but also as regards the size of conductors, tower heights, spans between towers, and degree of reliability demanded. These factors had their influence on the design of the towers, as the loads to be sustained, both under normal and abnormal (broken conductor) conditions, were much greater than was usual in this country previously. H.W.B. Gardiner and W.H. Gomm

The Structural Engineer

Mr. S. VAUGHAN (Member of Council), proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Bullen, said the paper was exceptionally interesting because it presented some facts and figures (however controversial these might be) which enabled a comparison to be made between various constructional solutions to a given pre-determined problem.