The type of plate to be considered is that whose thickness is small compared with the overall linear dimensions and whose maximum deflection, under the application of load in a direction normal to the plane of the plate, is small compared with the thickness. The example which most frequently occurs is that of a plate bent under the application of uniformly distributed load, and the deflection of any such plate must satisfy the equation... F.A. Gerard
THE PRESIDENT, MR. LESLIE TURNER, B.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., in thanking the author, said that Professor Baker had given a masterly exposition of his subject and had referred to much new and original work.
Manholes are constructed on sewers, at all changes of direction, gradient, and size, and in the case of small sewers, say 18 in. diameter and under, at intervals of not more than 360 ft. James Duff