As buildings in Hong Kong have increased in height without necessarily increasing in width, so the effect of " Typhoon " wind pressures on structural design has become increasingly important. Many buildings are now stiffened against the effects of wind by in-situ concrete shear walls, which, as vertical cantilevers, normally follow the requirements of CP 114-1957 in respect of height width ratios in an effort to limit
horizontal deflexions. Buildings witheight width ratios of less than 2 which were designed without wind prior to 1958 (which year saw the introduction of the requirement that all buildings in Hong Kong should be designed against the effect of wind, irrespective of height width ratio), have in a recent typhoon exhibited the tendency to vibrate to an uncomfortable degree, with however no signs of structural failure. A shear wall stiffened building has on the other hand been reported to be almost free from vibration at the height of the typhoon.
K. T. Philcox