Author: Cassell, A C;Hobbs, R E;Bridgett, M S;Awotwi, P A K
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Cassell, A C;Hobbs, R E;Bridgett, M S;Awotwi, P A K
The Structural Engineer, Volume 49, Issue 12, 1971
The text of an Institution report Future Building Regulations was published in the September issue of The Structural Engineer, pages 430-432. The report has subsequently been use0 &S a basis for further discussions with the Building Regulations Diuision of the Department of the Environment.
It is a great honour to be elected President of the Institution of Structural Engineers and in my case it is an honour which is twice given-firstly to the Scottish Branch which has supported this Institution so loyally and so wholeheartedly and secondly to myself, as one of the Branch members, it is a personal privilege which is deeply appreciated. During my brief twelve-month period in the highest office which this Institution can confer I shall endeavour to uphold the influence and good name of the Institution and to further the high reputation of its members. W.G.N. Geddes
As the term ‘Weathering Steel’ is apt to arouse strong feelings, varying from rapture to disdain, some effort has been made in these notes to present a factual picture the properties, evolution and possible future exploitation of this material.