The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

Professor E. R. Bryan (F): As one has come to expect of Professor Horne, this paper adds another important contribution to the understanding of steel frames, and in particular to column behaviour. The test results give a great deal of information on the permissible combinations of end moments and axial load in a column and on the rotation capacity of the column under such loads.

The Structural Engineer

Mr. M. D. Edge: I am not an engineer and Mr. Charge has already covered the technical aspects, but I think it might be interesting to explain why this operation was necessary at all.

The Structural Engineer

This paper is concerned with further investigation of solid and hollow rectangular sections subjected to bending about both principal axes in the presence of an axial force. Curves are obtained for the possible combinations of the external forces under which full plasticity occurs in the section, and a series of tests was performed with a view to providing experimental evidence. The analysis covers also the case in which the section is additionally subject to twisting moment. It is assumed throughout the paper that the problem of instability does not arise. H. Shakhir-Khalil and G.S. Tadros

The Structural Engineer

The main features of the design and construction of a 30-storey block of flats, using in situ reinforced concrete construction, are described.