It would seem plain that if existing conditions continue the structural engineer is in for a good time. The number of schemes under contemplation and in connection with which
his services will inevitably be requisitioned, is legion, and they apply with magnificent impartiality to our own country, to the Continent, to South America, and to our own Overseas Dominions. Their realisation will involve the expenditure of fabulous sums of money, the source of which might be the subject of painful contemplation, but for the consoling reflexion that it cannot possibly all come out of the pockets of structural engineers themselves, whereas quite a pleasing proportion of it may reasonably be expected to gravitate in that direction. As structural engineers are but human they will respond to the very human desire to make hay while the sun shines-the colder season of their discontent having already been unduly prolonged. In any case a huge sum of money is being earmarked for purposes good, bad, and indifferent, and while in the long run no section of the community can permanently benefit at the expense of another, and the man in the street-that patient milch cow (if the Hibernism be permitted)-may show signs of fatigue stress at the expenditure contemplated, the structural engineer will want his place in the sun, for as long as it shines.